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Tips and Tricks for Faster and More Accurate Typing

by Artemio Virtual Assistant Services

Here are some tips for faster and more accurate typing. I hope you are able to learn and adapt these technique.

1. Proper Posture and Body Position

          1st thing you need to do is set yourself up with a proper working place. It should be comfortable, well lighted, and well ventilated. You should be able to sit up straight with your back straight, your knees on a 90° angle, and your feet properly flat on the ground. Your elbows should be on a 90° angle while your wrists should be at the same level as the keyboard. You should also tilt your head slightly downward, at least near 15°angle, and have a distance of 18-24 inches away from the screen of your monitor. This will avoid any discomfort or aches that will arise from longer periods of typing.


2. 10 Finger Positioning and Touch Typing


          Next step is to properly position your fingers to a specific letter or symbol as shown on the illustration below. This will be your starting position every time you type. This is called the HOME ROW because this position is where you return every time you finish typing a letter. This will develop your muscle memory. Each finger has an assigned letter and number.

  • Left Hand

    • ​Left Index Finger - Starts at F - Then hits R, T, G, B, V, 4, and 5.

    • Left Middle Finger - Starts at D - Then hits E, D, C, and 3.

    • Left Ring Finger - Starts at S - Then hits W, X , and 2.

    • Left Pinkie Finger - Starts at A - Then hits Q, Z, 1, ~, TAB, CAPSLOCK, Left Shift, Left CTRL and Left ALT.

    • Left Thumb - Starts at Spacebar

  • Right Hand

    • Right Index Finger - Starts at J - Then hits Y, U, H, N, M, 6, and 7.​

    • Right Middle Finger - Starts at K - Then hits I, <, and 8.

    • Right Ring Finger - Starts at L - Then hits O, >, and 9.

    • Right Pinkie Finger - Starts at ; - Then hits P, [, ], ', /, 0, -, =, \, BACKSPACE, ENTER, Right Shift, Right CTRL, and Right ALT.

    • Right Thumb - Starts at Spacebar

Keyboard (2).jpg

3. Practice Touch Typing

          Now you already know the basics. But are you even practicing it? I know touch typing is hard at first but it will be easier as you practice more often. You were so used to typing while looking at the keyboard so make sure to remove that habit of yours. It will only slow your progress. One important reminder is to familiarize your self with the keyboard. Feel each button like your massaging the keyboard and remember well its position. And the most important thing is to practice! Even small steps make big difference. So make sure you practice consistently. Here are some ways on how to practice touch typing:

4. Have a Break

          It's true that practice makes perfect but you also need to take a break from time to time. Your body needs to rest from all the stress that has been building up over time. Practicing something you are not used to is really stressful and your eyes are constantly looking at the screen of your computer. So make sure you rest your eyes and body so that you will be in optimum condition once you start practicing again. You can stretch for a moment so that your blood flow will properly circulate throughout your body and your stiff muscles can loosen up. You can also do eye exercises to relieve aye strain.

5.Improve and Motivate

          You will experience a lot of mistakes while practicing so don't be discouraged and just continue. Learn from these mistakes and improve yourself. This may take some time to perfect but it will surely be worth it once you master it. Big changes will start from small steps, so don't be afraid on taking those steps because those steps will surely take you to your destination. 

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